Monday, 21 March 2011

30 Rock s05e17 review

its my way... 'till pay day WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN
When the whole 'Queen of Jordan' episode started I thought it was just a cleaver into - I was a little pissed when I realised it was a full episode, but that quickly went away when it was one of the most brilliant episodes ever. The satire in 30 Rock is spot on. It goes right up too the line of being too much, but never actually crosses it. Jack trying his hardiest not to seem gay was the highlight of the show, as Jack is the highlight of most episodes. His whole speech about playing football in college and the repeated shot of him falling over had me laughing out loud.

D'Fwan was an amazing character. His first words on screen 'D'Fwan forgot his catchphrase!' coupled with the close-up and amazing expression was priceless. All the way through he nailed every line he had. 'I'm not just a gay hairdresser. I'm also a homosexual party planner.' If he was a real person on an actual reality TV show, I would not be surprised. 

The subplot with Frank and his old teacher didn't really do much for me. The idea was that Franks teacher from School slept with him in the 9th Grade (dunno how old that would make him) and has just got out of jail - but he's never grown up so she doesn't want to be with him anymore. The one good part of that plot was the line where the teacher asked Frank how he knew where she worked - 'Its just one of the benefits of dating a registered sex offender.'

Queen of Jordan was just everything wrong with reality TV. Reading other reviews online it seems some of the scenes and ideas were targeting specific TV shows, ones that I guess don't air over here in the UK, but I wouldn't watch them even if they did.

I'm glad shows are back after a couple of weeks off, and the Office is back next week so everythings back on track!


watch it all blah blah 30 Rock: Season One30 Rock: Season 230 Rock: Season Three30 Rock: Season Four

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