Wednesday, 2 March 2011

House... just house.

happy people are not intresting
I'm just gonna say it - House should have ended last season. Maybe even before that. There's only so many times I can hear Foreman say 'What? There's only been a handful of documented cases in the past 50 years!' before I start to disbelieve that they're gonna come across these cases.  This last episode showed House saying that loving Cuddy made him a crappy doctor... but that she was worth it. I just didn't believe that scene, I thought House must be playing everyone to get away with something.... but no, it was real. That's not then House we love. House should have ended one of two ways. One: he's addiction finally caught up with him and he died (the best ending) or we see him finally get with Cuddy and we're left to believe they live happily ever after.

What we have now is a happy House, with no real conflict (apart from him thinking 'should I be happy? Yeah probably'). I don't give a shit about the supporting cast any more, their problems are laughable. Divorce? Room mate issues? Wilson gets a dog? What happened to staff members struggling with there own mortality, forced to experiment with drugs? Also that new redhead staff member... worst actor ever. Who the hell is she? Her thing is she's smart but naive about the real word - something that has been done far better, and more subtlety, before.

I watch it now due to some sense of loyalty to the show. It used to be amazing, and the one off weird episodes (like ones that happen only in Houses mind) can be television at its best. I still get chills when I think about the episode where House was shot, and he hallucinates an entire episode. The man who shot him features in the hallucination and gives House some hash truths:

"You pretend to buck the system, pretend to be a rebel, claim to hate rules. But all you do is substitute your own rules for society's. And it's a nice, simple rule: tell the blunt, honest truth in the starkest, darkest way. And what will be, will be. What will be, should be. And everyone else is a coward. But you're wrong. It's not cowardly to not call someone an idiot. People aren't tactful or polite just because it's nice. They do it because they've got an ounce of humility. 'Cause they know that they will make mistakes. They know that their actions have consequences. And they know that those consequences are their fault. Why do you want so bad not to be human, House"

Brilliant. Now? I couldn't care less. I hope the show gets better again, or ends on a high. Anything but this pointless limbo.


See House at his best in House, M.D.: Season OneHouse, M.D.: Season Two, House, M.D.: Season ThreeHouse, M.D.: Season FourHouse, M.D.: Season Five

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